Our charitable object:
To promote for the public benefit, in the border counties region of England and Wales, the conservation, preservation, protection and understanding of Offa’s Dyke and similar or linked sites and structures of archaeological or historical interest.
We are a volunteer-led membership-based Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No: 1203068). We actively promote the conservation and general well being of Offa’s Dyke, also other associated archaeology including Wat’s Dyke. We manage the Offa’s Dyke Centre in Knighton and encourage archaeological and historical research relating to Offa’s Dyke and its hinterland corridor.
We have currently have vacancies for trustees. If you are interested in helping the ODA deliver its charitable objects, both within the Centre and beyond along the length of Offa’s Dyke, then please contact oda@offasdyke.org.uk to arrange for a chat with Chairman Dave McGlade.
We maintain a comprehensive accommodation listing for the National Trail on our website. A pdf version of the listing can be purchased from our on-line shop.
The Offa’s Dyke Centre has interpretive displays on Offa’s Dyke, also Offa’s Dyke Path National Trail. The Centre’s ‘Frank Noble’ reference library, named after our founder, has an unrivalled collection of books and journals on the Dyke and the Welsh Marches. We have a popular tea room, said to have the ‘best view in town’, a book and souvenir shop.

The ODA is separate from the Offa’s Dyke Path National Trail Officer (NTO), who is responsible for the management of the National Trail. We enjoy a close liaison with the NTO who we support financially through our Conservation Fund (see below). Our aim is to generate significantly more funds than we do at present for conservation-based works to the monument and path but if we are to do that our membership numbers need to increase.
The ODA was founded in 1969 by the late Frank Noble, a Knighton school teacher and archaeologist. Initially it lobbied for the opening of the Offa’s Dyke Path which had been designated in 1949. When the Path was officially opened in 1971, it went on to provide strip maps of the route, accommodation information, and supported those responsible for maintaining the Path. The withdrawl of local government funding in 2018 means that we no longer provide a Tourist Information Centre function though you will still find find plenty of Offa’s Dyke related information on display.
Our Conservation Work
We operate our own Conservation Fund. We which makes financial contributions towards the cost of proactive conservation works to Offa’s Dyke and other associated archaeology, also areas of nature conservation interest. Anyone with a direct interest in managing Offa’s Dyke, including farmers, landowners or local authorities, can apply to the fund for help. To date we have made four grants to local authorities for conservation-base works in the Wye Valley, Shropshire and on Hatterrall ridge in Herefordshire. Another Wye valley project is in the pipeline for later in 2019. The Conservation Fund is itself supported from the proceeds of our our seasonal walkers’ Passport scheme, launched in spring 2019. The Passport is identical to the successful Passport on Hadrian’s Wall Path whereby, between May and October each year, walkers collect 12 stamps in their Passport. It is intended to be a lot of fun but of course the income from the Passports, which cost £5, supports the Conservation Fund which in turn helps to pay for essential conservation projects along the Dyke and National Trail. Joining the Association is another way of helping us to ensure that we are always ready to support applications to the Conservation Fund.
The ODA has also partnered with government agencies Cadw and Historic England towards the research and publication in 2019 of a Conservation Management Plan for Offa’s Dyke in both Wales and England.
We are also active members of the Offa’s Dyke Collaboratory (https://offaswatsdyke.wordpress.com) and in March 2018 we co-hosted with the Collaboratory a conference ‘Offa’s Dyke Heritage‘ at the Centre.
Joining the Association
The easiest way of joining the Association is on-line via this website. Members paying UK income tax are invited to declare their subscriptions as being eligible for Gift Aid.
You can join in person at the Offa’s Dyke Centre where we accept payment by cards. Cheques should be made payable to the ‘Offa’s Dyke Association’. Membership forms can also be posted to you or a pdf version is available via email.
Types of membership
Individual membership £20 per year
Joint / family membership £25 per year
We are offering a £5 discount to members who agree to pay their annual subscription by Direct Debit.
Contacting the Association
Our address: Offa’s Dyke Centre, West Street, Knighton, Powys, LD7 1EN.
Call us on +44 (0) 1547 528753, via email oda@offasdyke.org.uk or in person at the Offa’s Dyke Centre