Accommodation on Offa’s Dyke | Accommodation on Glyndwr’s Way
The accommodation list is compiled afresh each year with all providers of services being written to each autumn.
The addresses in the ‘Where toStay’ section are those recommended or otherwise suggested to us. As a small voluntary charity we cannot inspect them, but a detailed form is sent asking in particular about those facilities that walkers need. Additional suggestions for addresses or facilities that might be listed are always welcome.

We encourage members offering accommodation to be inspected and verified by their national tourist board. We commend Wales Tourist Board’s scheme for walkers’ and cyclists’accommodation. Details can be obtained from Trade & Consumer Relations Dept., QED Centre, Main Avenue, Trefforest Industrial Park, Trefforest, Pontypridd, Rhondda Cynnon Taff, CF37 5YR.
The modest charge that is made for inclusion in this listing includes membership of the O.D.A., with any balance being used to help cover the costs of publication.
Walkers should try to settle any complaint about accommodation directly with the provider. The O.D.A. does deal every year with the few cases that cannot be settled in this way. This normally leads amicably to an improvement in service. If, however, the response to our enquiries is clearly unsatisfactory, or if we have repeated complaints, then the provider concerned is unlikely to be asked to renew for the following year.
Limited camping information is included in this booklet. More detail and additional addresses are to be found in our separate ‘Camping & Backpackers List’.
Key to accommodation details
Important: please read this before making bookings.
Whilst all possible care is taken toensure the accuracy of the information given in this list, the O.D.A. cannot take responsibility for the standard of the accommodation. Comments or complaints about accommodation or service provided should initially be made to the provider concerned. If for any reason this is inadequate, please write to the O.D.A. Centre.
Months open (if applicable) | Open all year if nothing stated |
Acc | Total number that can be accommodated |
B/Sh/T | Number of baths/showers/toilets additional to ensuite facilities. There is no extra charge for bath or shower unless otherwise stated |
BB | Charge for bed and breakfast |
BBs | Charge for bed & breakfast in a single room or single occupancy of a double room |
BBd | Charge for bed & breakfast per person in double/twin room. We ask providers to give fixed prices for the whole of the year |
EM | Charge for evening meal, and time served |
PL | Packed lunch. Please pre-book evening meals and packed lunches |
Luggage | The provider will arrange for luggage to be taken to the next overnight stop, for a prearranged fee |
Camping | Space for occasional campers to pitch a tent at the price indicated (more camping details are in the O.D.A. Backpackers and Camping List – price £2 plus S.A.E) |
SJ064832 etc | Ordnance Survey Grid Reference, where known, and approximate distance to the Path. |
(Trans.) | Free transport available from the Path (or stated pickup point) to the address |
Please note that the information given on prices etc. is as supplied by the address concerned but there is no contract implied either by the O.D.A. or by the provider. It is advisable to check information when booking.
If possible, please book accommodation, meals and packed lunches in advance and do not arrive unannounced expecting there to be beds and meals available. Many of the addresses are working farms etc, and unexpected early afternoon arrivals may be inconvenient for their working day.
Please give your name, home address and phone number when booking. It is at the discretion of the provider whether deposits are returned if bookings are cancelled. If you do have to cancel, please give as much notice as you can. If you are delayed during your day’s walking, please advise your accommodation for that night of any change to your expected arrival time.
Dogs may only be brought to addresses if they are specifically allowed: arrange this with the provider first.
Luggage: Please advise your next overnight stop that you are having your luggage delivered to their address.
Suggestions for additional addresses are most welcome. Comments on non-accommodation matters concerning the Path are also welcomed. Reports of obstructions, broken signs, stiles, etc. should pinpoint the spot, including the grid reference if possible.
Note that the charge for inclusion in this list includes membership of the Association.